South Dakota crews travel to Nebraska to assist with storm repairs

Sioux Valley Energy crews head to Nebraska to assist with storm repairs
Published: Mar. 21, 2025 at 12:55 PM CDT
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SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (Dakota News Now) - Lineworkers from South Dakota cooperatives are heading to assist with storm repairs at a Nebraska public power district.

A total of 20 lineworkers from five South Dakota cooperatives headed south Thursday to the Omaha and Lincoln areas to assist with power restoration at Burt County Public Power District at Tekamah and Butler Public Power District at David City.

Eight of those lineworkers are from Sioux Valley Energy. That crew is heading to Burt County.

The assistance is being coordinated by the South Dakota Rural Electric Association in Pierre and the Nebraska Rural Electric Association in Lincoln.

Sioux Valley Energy, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative, is a member-owned electric utility, providing reliable electric service at cost-based rates to nearly 30,000 homes, farms, businesses, and industries in a seven-county area of east-central South Dakota and western Minnesota.