
FBI Seeking Information: Oregon Man Indicted, Arrested for Transporting a Minor for Sexual Purposes

FBI Seeking information

FBI Anchorage is seeking additional information from the public after Steven Fox was arrested for allegedly transporting a minor from Alaska to Oregon to engage in criminal sexual activity. FBI Anchorage arrested Steven Fox in Portland yesterday. If anyone has information concerning Fox’s alleged actions, please contact the FBI Anchorage Field Office at 907-276-4441 or online at tips.fbi.gov.

We have content to share on FBI Anchorage’s social media accounts to include X (@FBIAnchorage), Facebook (@FBI-Anchorage), and Instagram (@fbianchorage).  The press release is located here: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ak/pr/oregon-man-indicted-arrested-transporting-minor-sexual-purposes

FBI Seeking information
