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NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi Testified Before Hearing on Iran's Future, Received Support of 150 House Members

House members listening to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi's opening remarks. From left are reps. Keith Self, Randy Weber, Mario Diaz-Balart, Tom McClintock, Zoe Lofgren, and Danny Davis during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing, where she received bi-partisan support of 150 members.

House members listening to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi's opening remarks. From left are reps. Keith Self, Randy Weber, Mario Diaz-Balart, Tom McClintock, Zoe Lofgren, and Danny Davis during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing, where she received bi-partisan support of 150 members.

Representatives (from left) Keith Self, Brad Sherman (speaking), Mario Diaz-Balart, Tom McClintock, Zoe Lofgran and Danny Davis during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus where Maryam Rajavi testified on the future of Iran.

Representatives (from left) Keith Self, Brad Sherman (speaking), Mario Diaz-Balart, Tom McClintock, Zoe Lofgran and Danny Davis during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus where Maryam Rajavi testified on the future of Iran.

Representatives asked questions during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus where Maryam Rajavi testified on the future of Iran and received bi-partisan legislative support of 150 members.

Representatives asked questions during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus where Maryam Rajavi testified on the future of Iran and received bi-partisan legislative support of 150 members.

Chairman Tom McClintock, co-chair of the Congressional Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus introducing Mrs. Maryam Rajavi during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by IHRDC Hearing where Mrs. Maryam Rajavi testified, received bi-partisan legislative support of 150 members

Chairman Tom McClintock, co-chair of the Congressional Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus introducing Mrs. Maryam Rajavi during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by IHRDC Hearing where Mrs. Maryam Rajavi testified, received bi-partisan legislative support of 150 members

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (L) speaking with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by the Congressional Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus where Mrs. Maryam Rajavi testified on the future of Iran, received bi-partisan legislative support of 150 members

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (L) speaking with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by the Congressional Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus where Mrs. Maryam Rajavi testified on the future of Iran, received bi-partisan legislative support of 150 members

Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren speaking with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by the Congressional Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus where Mrs. Maryam Rajavi testified on the future of Iran, received bi-partisan legislative support of 150 members

Rep. Randy Weber (R) listens as Keith Self speaks with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by the Congressional Iran Human Rights & Democracy Caucus where Mrs. Maryam Rajavi testified on the future of Iran, received bi-partisan support of 150 members

Congressmen Steven Cohen (L) and Lance Gooden (R) speaking during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus discussing the future of Iran, where Mrs. Maryam Rajavi testified and received bi-partisan support of 150 members.

Nine Bi-Partisan House Members Addressed the Hearing and Sought Views of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi about the Future of Iran

The NCRI has a plan of action for the post-mullahs’ Iran, outlining the roadmap for the transfer of power.
— Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the NCRI
WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES, February 27, 2025 / -- During an Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus (IHRDC) hearing, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran, was the key witness who testified on the “Future of Iran.”

The hearing was chaired by Congressman Tom McClintock (R-CA), the chairman of the IHRDC, and attended by the caucus’ co-chair Steven Cohen (D-TN), and representatives Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Lance Gooden (R-TX), Brad Sherman (D-CA), Keith Self (R-TX), Danny Davis (D-IL), and Randy Weber (R-TX). Mrs. Rajavi responded to the questions by the representatives related to the process of change in Iran, the transitional period and the roadmap to a representative government after the regime's fall, and the role of women in the future of Iran, among others.

Chairman McClintock highlighted H.Res. 166, "Expressing support for the Iranian people’s desires for a democratic, secular, and nonnuclear Republic of Iran, and condemning the Iranian regime’s terrorism, regional proxy war, internal suppression, and for other purposes," which he introduced along with over 150 bi-partisan co-sponsors ahead of the hearing in support of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi's Ten-Point Plan for the future of Iran.

Mrs. Rajavi’s opening remarks during the hearing are below:

Chairman McClintock, Chairman Steve Cohen,
Co-Chairs of the Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus,
Honorable members of the Human Rights and Democracy, Ashraf, and Iranian Women’s caucuses,

I am very happy to have the opportunity to share the latest developments in my homeland in one of the most sensitive periods of its history with the US House of Representatives.

Let me first pay tribute to Dr. Alejo Vidal Quadras, former vice president of the European Parliament, who was the target of an attempted assassination, for his support for the Iranian Resistance.

Honorable representatives,
Allow me to begin by this:

The situation of the Iranian society is explosive. During its 46-year rule, the ruling religious fascism has never been so weak and fragile.

The mullahs are surrounded from all sides: by a society that is filled with anger and rebellion, by Resistance Units, and by selfless and rebellious youth, because of its bankrupt economy and corruption in the government, particularly after the overthrow of the brutal dictatorship of Assad and the collapse of the regime’s “strategic depth” in the region.

The regime is trying to preserve its shameful rule through widespread executions in Iran and by creating fear.

Behrouz Ehsani, one of the supporters of the MEK, after learning of his death sentence, said: “I will not bargain for my life. I am prepared to give my life for the people of Iran to be free.”

Over the past four decades, this regime has executed 120,000 people on political grounds.

We would greatly welcome it if the regime were to change its behavior through negotiations because any form of retreat accelerates the regime’s downfall. But such an expectation is an illusion.

On February 4, Ali Khamenei said, “Negotiations are neither wise, nor intelligent, nor honorable.”

Over the past four decades, the regime has used negotiations as a tool for deception to continue its nuclear weapons program and its destructive policies in the region.

The Iranian people’s desire and the only solution to the Iranian crisis is the regime’s overthrow by the Iranian people.
Overthrowing the regime does not happen by itself.

Although comprehensive sanctions have a considerable impact by weakening the regime but they do not lead to its overthrow. An organized Resistance and a force on the ground are the necessary elements to do the job.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the Iranian Resistance’s nationwide network inside the country, with the Resistance Units where women play a pioneering role, undertake brave and daring activities.

In confronting a misogynistic regime, women play the leading role.

These Resistance Units are Iran’s freedom fighters and the driving force for change.

Any decisive policy on the Iranian regime needs to recognize the role of the Iranian Resistance in order to be effective and lead to the liberation of Iran and the region from a terrorist, fundamentalist regime.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and American Declaration of Independence recognize this right.

Honorable representatives,
The National Council of Resistance of Iran with over 450 members from various tendencies has been the most enduring political coalition in Iran’s history. The NCRI has programs and specific plans for women’s rights and freedoms, autonomy of nationalities, equality of followers of all religions, separation of religion and state, and a non-nuclear Iran.

I have always emphasized that we are not seeking to seize power, but to transfer it to its rightful owners, namely, the people of Iran and their votes.

The NCRI has a plan of action for the post-mullahs’ Iran, outlining the roadmap for the transfer of power.

The establishment of a provisional government, which will remain in power for a maximum of six months, following the overthrow of the regime. Its primary responsibility will be to organize free and fair elections for National and Constituent Assembly.

Once the Constituent Assembly is formed, the provisional government will step down.

Sovereignty will then be transferred to the people’s representatives in the Constituent Assembly, who will form a new government for a two-year term, tasked with drafting, approving, and conducting a referendum on the constitution of the new republic.

The source of the policy mistakes regarding Iran over the past four decades has been ignoring the Iranian people by failing to recognize this organized resistance and the existence of a democratic alternative.

The resolution you introduced today presents a principled policy that emphasizes the Iranian people’s desire to reject both religious and monarchic dictatorships, recognizing “the rights of the Iranian people, the protesters, and the Resistance Units to confront the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and repressive forces to bring about change” and establish “a democratic, secular, peaceful and non-nuclear republic for the future of Iran.”

In these circumstances, a firm policy should include a series of necessary steps:
1. Activation of the snapback mechanism leading to the re-implementation of all the UN Security Council resolutions, and shutting down the regime’s entire nuclear program.
2. Placing this regime under Chapter VII of the UN Charter due to its threats to global peace and security.
3. Recognizing the Iranian people’s Resistance for regime change and the Resistance Units’ fight against the IRGC.

Thank you very much.

Alirreza Jafarzadeh
National Council of Resistance of Iran U.S. Office
+1 202-747-7847
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Representatives (from left) Keith Self, Brad Sherman (speaking), Mario Diaz-Balart, Tom McClintock, Zoe Lofgran and Danny Davis during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus where Maryam Rajavi testified on the future of Iran.

Representatives asked questions during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus where Maryam Rajavi testified on the future of Iran and received bi-partisan legislative support of 150 members.

Chairman Tom McClintock, co-chair of the Congressional Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus introducing Mrs. Maryam Rajavi during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by IHRDC Hearing where Mrs. Maryam Rajavi testified, received bi-partisan legislative support of 150 members

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (L) speaking with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by the Congressional Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus where Mrs. Maryam Rajavi testified on the future of Iran, received bi-partisan legislative support of 150 members

Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren speaking with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by the Congressional Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus where Mrs. Maryam Rajavi testified on the future of Iran, received bi-partisan legislative support of 150 members

Rep. Randy Weber (R) listens as Keith Self speaks with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by the Congressional Iran Human Rights & Democracy Caucus where Mrs. Maryam Rajavi testified on the future of Iran, received bi-partisan support of 150 members

Congressmen Steven Cohen (L) and Lance Gooden (R) speaking during the 26 Feb 2025 House Hearing by Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus discussing the future of Iran, where Mrs. Maryam Rajavi testified and received bi-partisan support of 150 members.

Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus Congressional Hearing on the Future of Iran

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